Ethan Jucovy
2012-08-28 17:51:38 UTC
I wanted to give a quick and belated overview of opencore-and-friends
developments since I last posted here.
== Private Mailing Lists ==
Mailing lists can now have "private archives" which mean that they can only
be viewed through the web by logged-in users who are subscribed to the
list. This means that non-closed projects can now have some mailing lists
with more restricted access than the rest of the project. This was
implemented in Listen (
but I haven't yet tagged an opencore-listen release with that feature.
A bit more work needs to be done on this feature, because some users want
lists with private archives but publicly viewable membership (for greater
transparency) -- but as implemented, every view published under the list
itself is restricted. This enhancement needs to be ticketed.
== Extra Wikis ==
Coactivate now has an additional project tool called "Extra Wikis" which
gives projects multiple independent wikis. These wikis are served by an
application running in a separate process, with theming and auth
integration implemented in the same way as TaskTracker. That application ( is
implemented in Django, with the wikis themselves stored as Bazaar
repositories. The front end views are designed to look very similar to
opencore's zope-based wiki, and use Xinha as well as ((wicked style
links)). But there are some extra features like
/arbitrarily/nested/wiki/pages/, and project admins can set permissions
independently for each wiki, also like TaskTracker: each wiki's permissions
can be adjusted for project members and for non-members, and each wiki can
have its own set of "managers" (who must be project members) who have
administrative privileges for the wiki but not for the rest of the project.
I've been thinking of this as an alpha release and there are still a
handful of missing features and bugs that need to be addressed. I also
haven't yet added it to any OpenCore builds -- I just installed it by hand
for CoActivate. But I'm hoping that this code, or a successor to it, can
eventually replace the in-zope wikis.
== Mailing List Rewrite ==
Rob Marianski and I have done some work on a rewrite/rearchitecting of
Listen, which currently lives here: It's a Django
application that's currently functional but needs plenty more work to be
production-ready, and may or may not end up being rewritten before that
happens. :-)
== Xinha "HTML Code view" ==
I wrote a small Xinha plugin (
which integrates Xinha with ACE ( -- the successor to
Mozilla's Bespin, and the code editor used on Github's ttw editing screens.
If a user clicks on the "raw html view" button in Xinha (<>) it will
replace Xinha with an ACE window.
When I have a chance I'll move this out of the opencore codebase so that
other Xinha users can find/use it.
== Import/Export ==
For Dimo and I have been polishing up OpenCore's export
features (which Paul wrote a few years ago) -- including adding member
export -- and also implementing corresponding import features. This is
very close to being done; outstanding issues are here:
We're doing this in order to export the entire contents of OpenFSM and
reimport it into a fresh build, because of some database issues with
OpenFSM's production ZODB that prevent us from packing it. So we're aiming
for some console scripts that can export every the contents and metadata
for every project and user, and then reimport them into a freshly built
site. These features will likely remain console scripts for the
foreseeable future rather than becoming available to end users, because
otherwise there are security/privacy/trust questions that seem too
complicated to think about for now.
When this work is done and well tested on OpenFSM, I'll circle back to the
stuff on this list to tag stuff, adjust the builds, and make a new OpenCore
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developments since I last posted here.
== Private Mailing Lists ==
Mailing lists can now have "private archives" which mean that they can only
be viewed through the web by logged-in users who are subscribed to the
list. This means that non-closed projects can now have some mailing lists
with more restricted access than the rest of the project. This was
implemented in Listen (
but I haven't yet tagged an opencore-listen release with that feature.
A bit more work needs to be done on this feature, because some users want
lists with private archives but publicly viewable membership (for greater
transparency) -- but as implemented, every view published under the list
itself is restricted. This enhancement needs to be ticketed.
== Extra Wikis ==
Coactivate now has an additional project tool called "Extra Wikis" which
gives projects multiple independent wikis. These wikis are served by an
application running in a separate process, with theming and auth
integration implemented in the same way as TaskTracker. That application ( is
implemented in Django, with the wikis themselves stored as Bazaar
repositories. The front end views are designed to look very similar to
opencore's zope-based wiki, and use Xinha as well as ((wicked style
links)). But there are some extra features like
/arbitrarily/nested/wiki/pages/, and project admins can set permissions
independently for each wiki, also like TaskTracker: each wiki's permissions
can be adjusted for project members and for non-members, and each wiki can
have its own set of "managers" (who must be project members) who have
administrative privileges for the wiki but not for the rest of the project.
I've been thinking of this as an alpha release and there are still a
handful of missing features and bugs that need to be addressed. I also
haven't yet added it to any OpenCore builds -- I just installed it by hand
for CoActivate. But I'm hoping that this code, or a successor to it, can
eventually replace the in-zope wikis.
== Mailing List Rewrite ==
Rob Marianski and I have done some work on a rewrite/rearchitecting of
Listen, which currently lives here: It's a Django
application that's currently functional but needs plenty more work to be
production-ready, and may or may not end up being rewritten before that
happens. :-)
== Xinha "HTML Code view" ==
I wrote a small Xinha plugin (
which integrates Xinha with ACE ( -- the successor to
Mozilla's Bespin, and the code editor used on Github's ttw editing screens.
If a user clicks on the "raw html view" button in Xinha (<>) it will
replace Xinha with an ACE window.
When I have a chance I'll move this out of the opencore codebase so that
other Xinha users can find/use it.
== Import/Export ==
For Dimo and I have been polishing up OpenCore's export
features (which Paul wrote a few years ago) -- including adding member
export -- and also implementing corresponding import features. This is
very close to being done; outstanding issues are here:
We're doing this in order to export the entire contents of OpenFSM and
reimport it into a fresh build, because of some database issues with
OpenFSM's production ZODB that prevent us from packing it. So we're aiming
for some console scripts that can export every the contents and metadata
for every project and user, and then reimport them into a freshly built
site. These features will likely remain console scripts for the
foreseeable future rather than becoming available to end users, because
otherwise there are security/privacy/trust questions that seem too
complicated to think about for now.
When this work is done and well tested on OpenFSM, I'll circle back to the
stuff on this list to tag stuff, adjust the builds, and make a new OpenCore
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